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Signs You Shouldn't Ignore: When Should You Visit a Urology Center

by Brett Mills

Urology, to most individuals, is a topic that remains comfortably distant. Commonly intermingled with discomfort or embarrassment, discussions concerning our urinary tracts or male reproductive system often seem taboo. Nevertheless, our body provides clear signals when something is amiss. Here are the unequivocal signs for which a visit to a urology center should not be delayed.

Persistent Urinary Tract Infections (UTIs)

Urinary tract infections, while common, can become persistent and have serious repercussions. The onset of sharp pain or a burning sensation during urination, accompanied by frequent and urgent needs to use the restroom—symptoms that are usually attributed to UTIs—should always warrant attention. Repeated UTIs can signal an underlying issue that requires professional diagnosis. Ignoring recurrent UTIs can lead to more serious complications, such as kidney infections.

Blood in the Urine

The presence of blood in your urine, whether it is grossly visible or detected through microscopic analysis, is called hematuria and is never a normal occurrence. It is a symptom that may indicate a wide variety of conditions ranging from urinary tract infections to more threatening conditions such as kidney or bladder cancers. The color of blood in the urine may differ, appearing red, pink, or cola-colored, but its presence should always trigger a visit to a urologist for investigation.

Erectile Dysfunction

Erectile dysfunction (ED) is the consistent inability to achieve or maintain an erection sufficient for sexual intercourse. Contrary to popular belief, ED is not just a natural part of aging; it can signal circulatory problems such as atherosclerosis or indicate diabetes, and may even precede a heart attack or stroke. For men experiencing ongoing issues, seeking urological evaluation can lead to the discovery of underlying health concerns and provide treatment options.

Painful Bladder and Kidneys

Severe pain in the lower back, side, or abdomen can be a sign of a problem with the kidneys. Painful urination may also originate from a problem in the bladder. Stones, infections, or structural abnormalities are common culprits. In some cases, severe pain may indicate the passage of a kidney stone, a potentially excruciating experience. Regardless of the severity, persistent pain should prompt a consultation with a urologist to determine the cause and receive appropriate management.

Changes in urinary habits should not be overlooked. These changes can include trouble starting or stopping urination, a weak urine stream, incomplete emptying of the bladder, and dribbling at the end of urination. While some of these changes may be benign, they can also signify prostate issues or, in some cases, prostate cancer. A timely consultation can help differentiate between harmless shifts and more serious conditions. 

For more info, contact a local company like Medical Center Urology.
