29 July 2017
Physical therapy is a type of treatment that will often be required for patients recovering from a variety of conditions. While this type of treatment is fairly common, it is also common for patients to have little or no experience or knowledge about this type of treatment until it is recommended to them. Why Will Physical Therapy Be Needed To Recover From A Serious Injury Or Major Surgical Procedure?
3 February 2017
If your child has to wear glasses in order to allow him or her to see the board easily, he or she might be worried about getting teased, or he or she may dislike the glasses. This can be frustrating because it will cause him or her to do whatever it takes to not wear his or her glasses. This could result in your child's grades dropping because he or she is not able to follow along with the teacher.
3 November 2016
If you have been diagnosed with prostate cancer, you may feel overwhelmed with the news and unsure of how to proceed and move forward after diagnosis. However, it is important to know that there are numerous options available to you for treating your prostate cancer. One of the many different treatment options available to you for your prostate cancer is radiation therapy. There are numerous types of radiation therapy that you can choose from, though.
11 August 2016
Until technology took a firm hold in all things medical, knee surgery was one of the most difficult and painful things to do, both for the surgeon and for the patient. Now there is robotic knee surgery, which is less painful and far less complicated because of the robotic surgeon, computers and 3D imaging. While it is easy to understand what the robotic surgeon does in this procedure, you may not know how computers and 3D imaging contribute.
5 January 2016
When you find yourself at the doctor's office discussing your diagnosis of renal cell carcinoma, you may be shocked and unsure of what you can and should do moving forward. Before you allow yourself to become overwhelmed about your renal cell carcinoma, get to know some of the different treatment options available to you. Then, when you meet with your oncologist, you can be prepared to work together with them to design a treatment plan for your renal cell carcinoma that is right for you.
7 August 2015
If you are suffering from osteoarthritis of the knee, you may have already considered having knee replacement surgery. In recent years, more women and younger people aged 20-50 have developed this condition, often due to sports injuries. Currently, more than 600,000 knee replacement surgeries are done each year in the United States. One study found that 34% of knee surgeries were "inappropriate," leading some experts to believe that more alternatives should be explored before you undergo the procedure.
30 June 2015
Time with a friend, relative or other loved one can brighten the day of someone in hospice care, but for some, the fear of not knowing what to say, do or bring on a visit is immobilizing. Planning a personal call to that special person gives you time to equip yourself for the visit. Kind, compassionate attention is the best gift you can offer to someone in this meaningful final stage of life.