8 June 2015
Infections and sickness are just a part of life. At least some point in their life, all children will have contract an infection or illness that they need to go to the doctor for. The doctor might prescribe an antibiotic for your child. Although antibiotics are a great way to fight bacterial infections, there are some risks with taking them as well. Here are some things you need to know about your child taking antibiotics.
5 June 2015
If you're living with an addict, it's time to get them the help they need. It's not enough to simply tell them they need help. Your words have to have action attached to them. Addicts often excuse their behavior by rationalizing that it's not hurting anyone else. In order to help your loved one through their addiction, they need to understand that they're actions do affect you. In many cases, a formal intervention can be exactly what an addict needs to get them into a treatment facility.
4 June 2015
The type of health care you receive will depend on a great deal on what you expect from doctors, like Burnsville Family Physicians, and a health care team. Many people complain that others get better care than them, and to be frank, they might. This is because it is important to know how to talk to your doctors to ensure that you are getting the best care possible. Here are some tips for getting good health care.
3 June 2015
There are several well known things that can be seen on an sonogram during pregnancy, such as the gender or your baby or the position of your baby. However, there are several other things that a sonographer can see when they give you a sonogram or ultrasound (at centers like All Women's Clinic) during pregnancy. These things can help to ensure that your baby is healthy, and can help you prepare for later on in your pregnancy, and even delivery.
3 June 2015
If you are in need of a hysterectomy -- such as if you have cancer or another medical issue -- then you might be scared about the idea of having such a serious procedure done. However, you should know that hysterectomies are very common; in fact, after the C-section, the hysterectomy is the second most common female-specific surgical procedure in the world, affecting about 500,000 women each year. This doesn't mean that it isn't a serious surgical procedure, but you should know that there are minimally-invasive options.
1 June 2015
There are a lot of different prescription and over-the-counter allergy medicines. Some of these medicines lose effectiveness over time. Some others will lose effectiveness when the pollen count is even a little higher than normal. Immunotherapy treatments can help you stay free of your allergy symptoms. However, these treatments require some initial discussion. Immunotherapy: Allergy Shots Allergy shots work much as vaccine shots do. They're designed to help you build up a tolerance to an allergen over time.
18 December 2014
If you are a senior citizen who has made the decision to move to an assisted living facility, you likely have some apprehensions concerning what to expect once you arrive there. With so many myths and misconceptions floating around about the assisted living experience, it's entirely understandable that you may feel concerned about how your life will change when you move into your new assisted living home. Use this information to learn more about what to expect once you move into an assisted living facility.