How Being a Health Care Clinic Volunteer Changed My Life

  • The Truth Behind Four Common ADHD Myths

    19 June 2015

    Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder, most commonly known as ADHD, is a widespread and well-known condition. Despite how well-known it may be, there are many misconceptions and myths circulating that continue to be spread by well-meaning, but ill-informed, individuals. If your doctor has recommended that you or your child be tested for ADHD, you may find yourself thinking of some of these myths and wondering if testing is really necessary. Here's a look at the truth behind several of the most common ADHD myths.

  • An Overview of Stomach Pain That Needs Medical Attention

    15 June 2015

    Hundreds of people go to the urgent care or the emergency room every year for abdominal pain. There are many different things that could cause abdominal pain, which is why it is important to go and the treatment you need if you are in severe pain. Here are some of the most common causes for severe abdominal pain. 1. Food Poisoning Food poisoning comes from eating a food that has been contaminated.

  • Your Child's Anxiety Disorder: What You Can Do

    15 June 2015

    Anxiety disorders are not just limited to adults. Children as young as preschool age can show signs that they are suffering from extreme anxiety. If you suspect your child does, it is important that you take action to help him or her cope and get treatment from a qualified medical professional.  What Is an Anxiety Disorder? An anxiety disorder is a mental health condition that results in prolonged worrying and other symptoms for a period of at least six months.

  • 3 Treatment Options For Allergies During Pregnancy

    11 June 2015

    During pregnancy, how you handle allergic reactions is important not just to your health, but also to your unborn child's. Although some medications are considered to be safe to use during pregnancy, you need to explore using other measures to control your allergies. Here are some possible methods you can use to get allergy relief. Allergy Medication You should never use any medication while pregnant without first talking to your obstetrician.

  • Preparing Your Child (And Yourself) For A Well-Child Visit

    10 June 2015

    Well-child visits are an important part of ensuring the on-going positive health and development of your child. However, many children find these visits stressful and terrifying. Preparing them for a well-child requires educating them on what will occur and easing their anxieties. Take Child to Your Doctor's Appointments If your child shows serious fears about attending their next well-child visit, it's a good idea to take them along with you to your doctor appointments.

  • Answers To Commonly Asked Questions About Breast Cancer

    9 June 2015

    Breast cancer is not uncommon. There are many women who are diagnosed with breast cancer every year. As with any illness, the earlier you can detect the cancer the more likely you will be to fight it off. This is why early detection is so important. Here are some commonly asked questions about breast cancer. I Have Pain In My Breast, Should I Get A Screening For Cancer? As a general rule, pain is not a sign that there is breast cancer.

  • What You Need to Know about Your Child Taking Antibiotics

    8 June 2015

    Infections and sickness are just a part of life. At least some point in their life, all children will have contract an infection or illness that they need to go to the doctor for. The doctor might prescribe an antibiotic for your child. Although antibiotics are a great way to fight bacterial infections, there are some risks with taking them as well. Here are some things you need to know about your child taking antibiotics.